Well not really. The interesting thing about fusing glass is that sometimes the things you think are going to turn out great end up being sort of “Meh…” and others that are thrown together turn out better than expected.
Take this next piece for instance.
I was trying to decide if I wanted to put together another piece for the Lincoln Artists Guild show and settled on doing something with this melt.
I didn’t want to just add a border on to the melt like I did for this piece.
I decided to take random chunks of glass, scatter them around the melt and do a contour fuse.
Now for some reason I didn’t have high expectations for this but it’s always nice to be pleasantly surprised.
The glass chunks ended up taking on a gemstone like appearance.
Now this has inspired me to do a mosaic piece just using the blown glass scrap.
No…I’m not having any fun at all.
Gorgeous work! It's amazing to see glass looking so fluid...